About the Journal

Al-Nahrain Journal of Science (ANJS), Republic of Iraq, is a scientific journal published quarterly by the College of Science, Al-Nahrain University in Baghdad. Four issues are published annually in March, June, September, and December. Original research and review articles are welcomed and considered for publication in ANJS based on a double-blind peer-review process.  ANJS has international standard serial numbers (ISSNs) for both electronic (e-ISSN:2663-5461) and printed versions (ISSN: 2663-5453) and each article shall have a digital object identifier (DOI) number once it is accepted for publication. ANJS is also an open access journal which means that publications are available electronically on the journal’s website. The author(s) (or the copyright owner of the work submitted) signs an author publishing agreement in which the contributing authors retain copyright and give the publisher of the Al-Nahrain Journal of science the right to publish the work submitted in its final format after the completion of the review process. The agreement includes the Creative Commons license which will indicate what others can do with the article once it is published. The authors cannot publish their articles in other journals.

ANJS is not financially supported by any governmental or non-governmental organization, and it is solely supported by the author's fees. Publication charges apply for all articles submitted to ANJS. Researchers from around the world are welcome to submit their work to ANJS. 


For authors participating in the "The 10-th International Scientific Conference on Mathematics and its Applications ISCMA-2024"  which is organized by the College of Science at Mustansiriyah University, fill in the Cover Letter Form and submit it along with the other required files, see the Instructions for Authors webpage for complete instructions of manuscript submission. The participation in the conference does not imply that the manuscript will be accepted in the ANJS, the manuscript will enter a double blind review process by the ANJS reviewers.

Current Issue

Vol. 27 No. 4 (2024): Special Issue (October 2024)
View All Issues

About Al-Nahrain Journal of Science (ANJS)

Al-Nahrain Journal of Science (ANJS) is a scientific journal published quarterly by the College of Science, Al-Nahrain University in Baghdad, Republic of Iraq. The Journal was first established by the name of Journal of Saddam University from 1997-2003. Then from 2003-2018 the journal was  re-named as Journal of Al-Nahrain University - Science (JNUS). The Journal started publishing in the name of Al-Nahrain Journal of Science (ANJS) from December 2018.

Original research and review articles are welcomed and considered for publication in ANJS based on a double-blind peer-review process.  ANJS has international standard serial numbers (ISSNs) for both electronic (e-ISSN:2663-5461) and printed versions (ISSN: 2663-5453) and each article shall have a digital object identifier (DOI) number once it is accepted for publication. ANJS is also an open access journal which means that publications are available electronically on the journal’s website. Authors retain the copyright for their articles published in/by ANJS. However, Publishing rights are conserved to Al-Nahrain Journal of Science (ANJS) which means that authors cannot publish their articles in other journals. ANJS is not financially supported by any governmental or non-governmental organization, it is solely supported by the author fees. Publication charges apply for all articles submitted to ANJS. For details about publication, charges refer to Guidelines for Authors.  Researchers from around the world are welcome to submit their work to ANJS.